Sunday, May 1, 2011

Let's Masturbate! [NaMaBloMo]

Since I haven't been blogging much over the past couple of months (blame my thesis for sponging up all my writing/editing time), I found the perfect way to make it up in the month of May. 

May, as some of you may know, is the National Masturbation Month in North America, which could, in effect, be turned into National Masturbation Blogging Month (NaMaBloMo). This month, at The Queer Behind the Mirror, we will try to bring in as many posts as possible (poetry, art, anecdotes, stories, articles etc.) about masturbation. And if there's something you want to share out here, please feel free to get in touch with me [thequeerbehindthemirror (at) gmail (dot) com] and I will be happy to repost, crosspost and guestpost your masturbatory pieces, thoughts, art...


ml said...

I don't know if I'll dare sharing on that subject lol But good really good idea ^^

ml said...

By the way, is it an onely-men-can thing (cause of the logo) ??

Amak said...

I found this logo, but I am sure it is for both males and females. Maybe I'll try to look for one with the female anatomy.

P.S: You can write under a pseudonym! :-P

Anonymous said...

Great Idea... Although I don't think I'll be posting a masturbation piece myself.. I loved yours <3