Saturday, September 4, 2010

Something Borrowed, Something Blue

Over at Driving Fast on Loose Gravel, Mae Callen told us about The Gay Deaf wedding. Their wedding, she said was conducted in four languages: English, American Sign Language, French and Quebecois Sign Language. She also said that it rained during this simple wedding under a big tree in their backyard, that guests huddled under umbrellas and that "when a French Deaf woman, and an English hearing woman can meet, and fall in love, for the first time with another woman - well you know that there is hope for us all."

Slightly more than two years ago, a white French man met a half-brown/half-black Mauritian man in India. What were the odds? They fell in love, or so they claimed. At the time, I thought: 

Maybe... There actually is hope...

for all of us...

including me...