Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Les Incroyables Aventures de Fusion Man [for the francophones out there!]

Ah, le monde de la recherche n’en finit pas de me surprendre ! Il est tout de même un peu fou ce sur quoi on tombe quand on décide de rédiger une thèse sur le genre, la sexualité, la race et le racisme. Et bien, il y a des jours comme aujourd’hui où on finit par tomber sur Les Incroyables Aventures de Fusion Man ! Donc, on se marre, on se marre et on se marre (au lieu de travailler.) Je le trouve très bien ce film : Qu’en pensez-vous ?

Ah oui, et si vous vous demandez comment je suis tombé dessus, c’est parce que le copain a Fusion Man est asiatique—vous avez bien remarqué, hein ?

And What Have Statistics Got To Do With It Anyway? [discrimation, statistics and two videos]

I am more and more amazed by how statistics are still very much used to reinforce discourses around forms of discrimination. Be it racism, homophobia, transphobia, any other forms of phobia, hatred, intolerance... You just name it, and there stands the Great Statistical Results that act as arbiters and that will adjudicate anything and everything in matters of (in)justice. Add in a few percentages here, a few figures there and back it up with the name of the agency that conducted the research and released the results (and please forget all the other details and variables involved in it) and there you are: you can legitimately put forward any claim you want!

So today I will have the great honor of posting two of my latest discoveries! They are both fantastic videos that I absolutely love.

So if you ever wondered what statistics have to do with racism, here is the answer!

And now, why not another video about how statistics demonstrate that homosexuality is a bad, bad, bad thing?!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Aplogies From a Grammar Nazi

Since I have a humongous pedantic inclination for good grammar, proper spelling and perfect syntax, a friend of mine who was playing seduction games with me once called me "Cute grammar Nazi!" I still don't know whether it was a compliment or not-- But it made me blush!

I realized that in my last 3 posts (which have been edited by now :P) there have been more syntactic mistakes and more typos than all the posts on my blog put together! I'd like to officially apologize. I shall make sure I draft my posts with more attention as from now on and I shall make sure I proof-read them carefully before publishing them. [Except when I fall in love, 'coz then I am too hysterical to focus on what I'm doing!]

Friday, September 4, 2009

Gentleman Reg [musical discovery]

Dame Yani took me to a concert last week-end, as part of the Peterborough Folk Festival. The entire event was rather interesting and together, we saw Gentleman Reg live. Most of you may not know who Gentleman Reg is, and neither did I till Dame Yani brought me to the concert. If you have watched J. C. Mitchell's masterpiece, Shortbus (which as I argue, is the best post-9/11 film I've seen so far-- but then, my reading of the film seems to be slightly unconventional), then you've listened to Gentlemen Reg without knowing who he (along with his band) is! Indeed, Gentlemen Reg contributed the song It's Not Safe as part of the Shortbus soundtrack.

Reg Vermue (and gosh, he's so hot and such a charmer on stage!) was born in Trenton, Ontario and one of his band members is actually from Peterborough. In the past year I didn't take to Canadian Indie Rock at all, despite the big craze here. But I think Gentleman Reg definitely triggered my interest. For you, here is Gentleman Reg live performing It's Not Safe, the song that is part of the Shortbus soundtrack.