Monday, April 13, 2009

Mourning the Death of Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick (1950-2009)

I don't think I'm good with deaths, I don't know whether I am good with mourning either. I barely ever had to experience death. Ghosts is what I am interested in, trace and haunting are what fascinate me.

Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick died last night. So I heard. Suffice it to say that she's been a very inspirational figure in my academic (and social/life) interests? Suffice it to say that if it wasn't for Between Men: English Literature and Male Homosocial Desire (1985) and Epistemology of the Closet (1990), I wouldn't have managed to write my major research paper that allowed me to obtain my M.A. last year? And suffice it to say that if I hadn't read her, I wouldn't even have called my blog The Queer Behind the Mirror?

I thought that coming to North-America would allow me to meet her at a point of time. I thought I would travel to a conference in NY and bump into her there to tell her about my work, and how much she influenced my work and life. Vivek had met her in Amsterdam last year and he told me of the great figure she is. He had also told me that she was fighting cancer though.

Well, I am now left with Tendencies (1993), A Dialogue on Love (1999) and Touching Feeling: Affect, Pedagogy and Performativity (2003) to read and discover. May be it suffices to say her ghost will be haunting queer studies for generations and generations to come...

An homage to Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick: An Inspirational Figure, for many.

1 comment:

Astraeus said...

She is the very figure who shaped my academic interests and made me who i am academically.
I think just a week back i was googling Queer studies programs and up she came on wiki as the frontrunner of the movement she help started.

I did not she was no more, till i saw this blogpost this morning.